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Milan is changing course to adapt to life after the epidemic

Milan has been the first metropolis hit hard in Europe by coronavirus pandemics, and has yet to recover, counting hundreds of deaths every day.

But the northern capital of Italy, and its economic "engine", has begun to think about the daily lives of residents after the first emergency wave, when intensive therapies will not be full, but where the risk that they may be filled again will be still high.

A period that can last a long time, until an effective cure or vaccine is found, but for some categories such as the elderly and people with significant health problems, habits can change forever.

For this reason, the Milan municipal administration is working to change or adapt a good part of the roads in the center and not only, as well as the functioning of public transport.

The roads will undergo the biggest change, where all the sidewalks will be widened to avoid overcrowding, and a 35-kilometer network will be dedicated only to bicycles and pedestrians.

Even on subways and buses, there will be electronic checks that will not allow overfilling of wagons, as well as instructions on the distance to be maintained.

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